11/06/04: I've been getting a lot of compliments about my weight loss, as well being asked countless times, how did you do it? So by popular demand, I have posted the answer to my website. I've also included recipes for the dinners I cook at home and a page dedicated to tracking my progress. Enjoy!

10/30/04: Now that I have Dreamweaver, I've finally decided to start taking advantage of it and redesigned my site a bit. The content is still the same, but it has a new look (including a recent picture of me..instead of the one from my 19th birthday party that's been up forever!). I have added some picturest to my Photo Gallery page. I've also removed my old pictures link (someday I'll get all of those pictures uploaded to Gallery). Also, I've updated my SpaceShipOne Videos page.

6/22/04: The first privately funded and manned flight to space took place yesterday in Mojave, CA and I was there to witness it! Go to my SpaceShipOne page to see photos, a video, and a few links.

6/12/04: Most of you I'm sure have noticed that over the 5 years that I lived in Vegas, I put on some pounds (the picture I used to have on my front page is from when I was 19..before moving to Vegas). I've wanted to lose weight for years, but never quite got into the right mindset. Last October, I made a conscious decision to better myself (in more ways than just weight). I realized that I had been unhappy for quite sometime and was sick of it..it was time for me to be happy!! Spitfire audio union chapel organ download free. So one of the changes I made was regarding my weight. My friend Heather took me to a Weight Watchers meeting and that got me started. However, in December I discovered that I potentially have a heart problem, so I decided to get REALLY serious and completely changed my eating habits. I've been averaging about a pound a week weight loss since then. After a couple months, I also added exercise into the routine and am very happy to have found a racquetball partner with whom I play two or three times a week! I don't see a lot of you very often, and many of you have wanted to see pictures of the 'new' me. So here are some Before and Midpoint pictures (I still have about 15-20 pounds to go before I hit my goal weight). I'm over half way there!!

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6/3/04: Well I finally purchased Dreamweaver. I haven't played around with it much, but I hope to do a complete overhaul of my entire website. One thing that I've started with is my new Pictures page, powered by Gallery. I still have much to do, so stay tuned..